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Anxiety & Dysregulation

Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP)


SSP is a five-day auditory intervention designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity, while enhancing social engagement and resilience.


This program is so foundational that I include it in all my longer programs. It can be a game changer for anyone suffering from wounds of a traumatic or chaotic childhood, and an absolute lifeline for parents of kids prone to frequent tantrums or meltdowns.

​SSP involves listening to music that replicates the frequency of the human voice to introduce a sense of safety, along with the ability to socially engage. This allows you or your child to better interpret not only human speech, but, importantly, the emotional meaning of language. Once interpersonal interactions improve, spontaneous social behaviors and an enhanced ability to learn, self-regulate and engage are often seen.


SSP was created by Dr. Stephen Porges, a distinguished research scientist and author of the groundbreaking Polyvagal Theory, which contends that when we sense danger, our nervous system reacts by activating its mobilizing fight-or-flight response or, in the case of extreme danger, by immobilizing us into collapse. This is its normal function. Problems arise, however, when our nervous system loses the ability to detect signals of safety, keeping us stuck in a continuous loop of dysregulation.


By calming the nervous system and regulating the physiological and emotional state, SSP opens the door for improved communication and more successful therapy. It has shown significant results in just five days in the following areas:


  • Social and emotional difficulties

  • Auditory sensitivities

  • Anxiety and trauma-related challenges

  • Inattention

  • Behavioral issues

  • Social engagement anxiety​


How it works

The SSP program is usually delivered over five consecutive days. A listening session lasts 60 minutes, but can be shortened to 30-minute increments for very young or very sensitive individuals, or to custom intervals if you need to take it at your own pace. While you are listening, you are encouraged to do quiet activities not involving screens. Play, artwork, or crafts are examples of recommended activities. For at-home delivery, you will download an app on your Android or iOS device. Listening must be done through headphones—not earbuds—for appropriate therapeutic benefits. We can provide you with a link to purchase good quality headphones at an affordable price. When you sign up your child or yourself for the Safe and Sound program, we will work together at every phase of the program to ensure maximum therapeutic benefit. This includes:​ •  A thorough intake and listening assessment • Five consecutive one-hour home listening sessions • Ongoing coaching and supervision during the program • Post-program assessment with recommendations for next steps • Discounts for multiple family members, or when combined with another program

Unyte iLs Safe & Sound Protocol

Dr. Stephen Porges: What is the Polyvagal Theory?

SSP testimonial for complex trauma and anxiety

Dr. Stephen Porges: SSP Summary

SSP Parent Testimonial

Pink Grain Wall

Some of our Success Stories

IMMOBILIZATION:  A 61-year old woman called in describing an immobilized state of trauma. She described a persistent feeling of homelessness after facing a recent eviction. During the course of the program, she reconnected to a traumatic experience as an infant confined to an isolation unit during the first months of her life. During the five days of the program, she was able to find herself a stable living situation and felt herself "rebirthed and ready to re-enter life."


Let's Chat!

Brain Health Exploration Call

There's a lot to consider in choosing a pathway to building  a better brain. Let's meet online to explore the Brain Health options that best meet your needs, your budget, and your lifestyle.​

© 2024 The Vestibule Center for Sound Living

El Cerrito, San Francisco East Bay, CA | 510-232-6024




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